Over the weekend, the news story that engulfed the media was the incident that involved a Boeing F/A-18 fighter jet flown by the U.S. Navy crashing into a Virgina Beach apartment complex. The two pilots were just starting off their day with a training mission. Within two minutes of taking off, the jet experienced technical problems which are still unknown. It can be assumed that the jet lost all power and thus unable to control the plane. The pilots took the proper precautions such as trying to release as much fuel as possible to reduce the magnitude of the inevitable crash. Dumping the fuel prevented a much larger and hotter fire which could have caused more casualties. Miraculously not a single person was killed in the fiery explosion. Following the crash there were 7 people including the pilots with minor injuries. Usually when pilots experience fatal problems with their aircraft they are trained to ditch the jet in a field or a large body of water. In fact the Atlantic Ocean was only a half a mile from the crash site. This tells us that they truly had no power or control of the aircraft. The pilots were found no more than 100 feet from the crash site which indicates that they stayed with the jet as long as possible to try and steer the jet out of highly populated civilian areas. The pilots did everything right and thankfully no one was killed.
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