Sunday, May 20, 2012

Book Post #3

The first part of the book starts off with going in depth with the science of warfare. The book talks about the mindset of the soldiers. It talks about the adrenaline rush that they get when they react to the sounds of a bullet passing by their heads. It goes in depth about fire fights at night. When the enemy fires their weapons with tracer rounds, there is a distance where there is a chance that you can actually dodge a bullet. After it talks about the mental stress that combat puts on a soldier. They never are the same when they come back from combat. The stress that they have to deal with is unimaginable. Knowing that at any moment that they could be attacked and killed in unbearable. Not to mention the fact that they know that there is a potential that they could also lose a friend to the enemy too. Then when they eventually do lose a friend, some soldiers can't take it. Some soldiers eventually snap from the stress. The book talks about the mental problems that develop from the stress of combat. This book really makes you appreciate what these men and woman really do on a regular basis. They risk their life and their comfort to protect you and to make sure that we have a safe and free country.

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